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  • 大学口语自我介绍合集十二篇



    大学英语自我介绍 英语口语 篇一

    hello, everyone, i am xxx, come here, i am very excited, because i can in the new environment, to find a new friend.

    i am a study general, looks general, physical general introverted students. i am calm and calm, more kind, also relatively good to get along, we can make friends with me. i love reading, especially love xxx books, hope to be able to make some like-minded friends in the university.

    i like here and the students eager to fly, eager to have more room for development in the future, have the talent and the wider world. i think, there will be a harvest of hard work. over the next four years, by the teacher's inclination to teach, we will have a better future.

    thank you all.





  • 大学口语自我介绍五篇



    hello everyone and good morning! i am very privileged to be given this platform by the professor and really happy to introduce myself. my name is xx, 19 years old, from xxx, which is a very beautiful place!i am very happy coming to xxx and able to study with you all for the next 4 years. we are all from every corner of the country, which is a kind of fate. i like reading, playing computer and also love the subject of maths.

    but unfortunately, we dont have this subject here.my ideal is to be a director and one day be able to make my own movies. therefore i have chosen this major and i have every confidence that i shall do very well.i believe that all of you have chosen the same subject must share the same love with me. hope we shall learn from each other in the coming 4 years. help each other so that we all could hand in satisfactory results for our tomorrow .


  • 大学口语自我介绍精华


    大学口语自我介绍 篇1

    dear sir or madam:it’s greatly appreciated that you can share your time to read my self—recommendation letter. my name is yu ting. majoring in english, i will graduate from neijiang teachers’ college in june &&.“only after polishing, the sword will be sharp; only after suffering sever winter, the plum blossom will be fragment.” after four—years’ heard study, i have possessed the quality to be a qualified graduate.

    four—years’ hard working arms me with solid specialized knowledge. now, i have mastered the basic english skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation; and also have a good knowledge of grammar, phonetics, linguistics…. moreover, extensive reading has broadened my mind. it acquainted me with western countries’ culture and custom. heard-working also rewords me with high scores in examination.

    with a perfect mastery of specialized knowledge, i also devel

  • 大学英语自我介绍




    本人思想端正,积极向上,有崇高的理想和伟大的目标。 在校期间,本人勤奋学习,通过系统的学习掌握较为扎实的知识体系。在校期间,由于有良好的学习作风和明确的学习目标,得到了老师及同学们的肯定。



    本人思想端正,积极向上,有崇高的理想和伟大的目标。 在校期间,本人勤奋学习,通过系统的学习掌握较为扎实的知识体系,在班里担任班干部一职期间,由于有良好的学习作风和明确的学习目标,努力工作,得到了老师及同学们的肯定。在暑假期间,也参与了各种不同意义的社会实践,也让我具备了较强的服务意识,良好的语言表达能力、应变能力和沟通能力。

    作为一名大学应届毕业生,在结束大学生活、踏进社会之际,我已经做好充分的准备。我将以饱满的精神锐意进取,为实现自己的人生价值为不懈努力!本人自入学以来,一直遵守学校的各项规章制度,具有良好的思想道 德品质,各方面表现优秀。有强烈的集体荣誉感和工作责任心,坚持实事求事的原则。 本人思想端正,能吃苦耐劳,有崇高的理想和伟大的目标,注重个人道德修养,养成良好的生活作风,乐于助人,关心国家大事。

    在课余时间,本人积极参加体育锻炼,增强身体素质,也热爱劳动,积极参加校开展的各项文体活动,参加社会实践,继承和发扬了艰苦奋斗的精神,也参加了校文学社和书法协会,丰富了课余生活,使自己在各方面都得到了相应的提高。 “宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来”,本人坚信通过不断地学习和努力,使自己成为一个有理想、有道德、有

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